Reunited after postpartum hemorrhage


On Wednesday, 15 days PP, I woke up to cramps and a gush of blood and huge clots the minute I stood up. A huge shock after a great delivery and what I thought was a perfect recovery. I had felt great the past 2 weeks. After filling the toilet with blood, my husband rushed me to the ER where I received 2 blood transfusions and emergency surgery to suction my uterus and stitch a open uterine wall. 2 days later, I’m home with my baby on my birthday and alive to share my story.

If you or anyone you know experiences this, do not go to the ER- go to OB Triage and tell them it’s an emergency. The ER did not know what to do with me and did not understand the severity until my BP and blood count floored and I was looking death in the face. As soon as I was recovering back in the OB area in the hospital they told me going to OB Triage initially would have yielded a better experience. Just thought I’d share. My doctors office told me to go to the ER, but I wish I had thought to go to OB Triage instead.