Please help me

Lucy • Taken by the love of my life ❤️

My boyfriend always says he wants me to give him more bj or hj but from his reaction when I do it, I feel like it doesn’t feel good for him, and it takes him forever to orgasm that way, and he’ll normally stop me so he can do it himself

And now he says that he wants to stop having sex/not having as much sex for a while because he doesn’t last very long anymore, and he said after the last time we did that he last longer masturbating

I love him so much and even though we’re quite young (I’m 17, he’s 16) we’ve both said that we can see a future together, but he’s so involved in his gaming that even though I know it’s not true, sometimes I feel like he’s only with me for the sexual stuff like my last bf was

This is me and him, New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a> was 2 months, I know it’s not long but still haha

Please help however you can, I’m just confused I guess haha