Not fitting in

There’s a guy I’ve been getting closer to. And he told me he has feelings for me. But I’m worried I won’t fit in with his friends or family. They’re complete opposite to me.

I haven’t met them, only his twin brother.

But they’re all about riding motorbikes, jet skiing, cliff jumping, flips and all that stuff!

I don’t ride bikes, I am scared of cliff jumping or even pier jumping, water gives me anxiety. I love waterfalls and adventures and all that, but not jumping into water

His twins girlfriend is into motorbikes and all that stuff so shit fits in well. She goes out with them all the time and stuff, but I feel like they wouldn’t enjoy my company because I wouldn’t wanna do that stuff.

They’re all casual and into all that stuff. I’m girly, dress pretty ( skirts, dresses ) and jewellery and all that. I feel like a complete outsider and I’m worried if things go further with us that I’m gonna feel out of place the entire time