Anyone else?

Naomi • May 12, 2017 💍 July 11, 2019 💜

*I only marked my period starting to get the fertility week to show how it was before.*

I am now 9 days late on my period and i am never late. I've been dizzy and having light headaches. Really bad backaches and I am always tired now.. I've been waking up nauseous. But I keep getting bfns. I have an appt set for the end of the month because they want to wait and see if it comes. I also made my husband hide my tests until the 12th because I just keep wanting to test. So I figured waiting until AF was 2 weeks late should be a good time to test again... just wondering if anyone else is in this boat 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm just hoping AF stays away it would be a nice way to start the New Year, I'm just getting a really discouraged at this point.. anyone else not get a positive right away?