Advice !!


We've known each other for over 10 years. Her and I met in the 4th grade and from there, we've become very good friends... later turned into best friends. As time passes by, years even.. we i guess you can say "grew apart". There have even been days where i would start to notice, conversations would only spark if it was about her or depression (since we both have that in common). As you get older, you start craving positivity you know, i mean as you always should but, that desire for it hits you hard as you learn more about yourself. And mentally, that's where i stood. When i noticed conversation only occured WHEN I start the convo, i stopped. I thought "okay maybe she'll hit me up and check on me this time". Unfortunately, i was wrong... she would go days without talking to me.

Now let's skip to the end of high school and into college, that's when we drifted apart and lost each other. Just recently, i got a text from her EX telling me all these things that she's been doing and how she's still around him which is his evidence for how he would know all that he's said... it hurt and bothered me. As a friend, i want to feel as if, im wanted you know? i wanna be there for my friend. Im a phone call, text, etc away. if i cant make it to you, I'll find a way because guess what? when i say we're 'best friends' i mean it... and I'll stick by my title and abide by it forever...

Anyway, i hated to hear all of what he told me because, it made me feel as if i wasnt doing my job and him and i aren't close enough for him to tell me what to do with the person I've known BEFORE HIM... but she confides in him.. more than me and-her excuse when i approach for her was... it seemed sketchy. She said "we've been going through a lot and i have a lot of stuff going on at home so.. i feel like a burdern talking to you about stuff like that"... like okay but you can approach someone you're not with anymore? ?

So since im not able to cut someone off right then and there, im letting time do its work bc i feel, that would reveal what her value is in my life as well as mine in hers you know??

She's home from college now (oh and im also a college student just online for family reasons) she didnt tell me when she got back but w.e... she told me she wanted to hang out and idk what to do... something is telling me go but whenever we chill, she just ... sits back and things get boring, we dont talk, she never expresses herself unless i push her... but when she's with her college friends, she's more uplifting and the complete opposite of how she is with me.. so ... What's your take on all this and what would you do?? *please respond bc i really need help with this*

Oh and before you ask, yes I've approached her about this and her reaction was the same as always : "i understand and im sorry" it never really makes me feel as if she really is, but i let it go bc i dont need to feel negative i already have so much going on.