Ask your man...

Jennifer • Luna Skye due 1/26🤰♉Taurus.🐍slytherin.🔪👻winchester.💪 wife 8 years. 10 year old 👦 and 9 year old step👦

Women, WITHOUT prompting, ask your husband (or boyfriend) these questions and write EXACTLY what he says. This is what Kurt said. After 7 years, let's seeeee haha.

•What is something I say a lot?

"My back hurts" this is true lol

•How tall am I?

5'6. Also true lol

•What is my favorite thing to do?

Read. 3 for 3. Lol

•What do I do when you're not around?

Color. I do lol

•If I became famous, what would it be for?

Books lol

•What makes you proud of me?

Intelligence. Awww

•What is my favorite food?

"This is a tie, this is a trick question. Um Chinese or seafood?" Correct!

•Where is my favorite place to eat?

"Again id throw a tie in there somewhere. Subway or super China buffet"

•If I could live anywhere, where would it be?

Caribbean. True, but no hurricanes lol

•What do I do to annoy you?

Hair on the shower drain lol

•Who is my celebrity crush?

Draco malfoy FROM THE BOOKS, the kid from the little giants (not anymore lol) JTT before he was gay and legolas. (He forgot bucky Barnes and Sam Winchester but that's okay lol)

•You get a phone call that I am in trouble, who am I with?

Leslie or Crystal Lol.

Copy and paste. Let’s see your answers.