AF is 11 days late and I'm going crazy

I apologize in advance for the length of this post. Here's a little back story.  I'm almost 35 and DH just turned 35.  We've been together for 15 years. Diagnosed with pcos in 2011.  However I have still always had regular periods.  My husband and I actively TTC for 10 years with no success so we just figured if it didn't happen by 40 we would foster or adopt.  I was on metformin for a while but it made me terribly sick.  My cycles are 28 days mostly with the occasional 30 here and there.  The latest I've ever been is 4 days and that was maybe 3 times in my life. I'm well past that now. Well I assumed (and still feel that way) that I wouldn't get pregnant after all this time.  This cycle has however thrown me for a loop. So now I come to you guys bc I've been internet crazed for weeks and just need support and advice. Google can be a bad thing lol.   

  I am currently 11 days late.  Last AF was on Dec. 2, 2017.  Tmi - I had one pink spot when I wiped on December 23 in the afternoon. December 24th in the evening reddish orange spotting once.  Nothing besides those.  I decided it was miraculous implantation or more likely ovulation though that would be a week late. When I charted before and did opks I ovulated typically CD 13 or 14.  But still I was like it's more likely late ovulation due to busy holiday craze.  

Well for giggles I did an hpt in the afternoon of Jan 1 since AF was due Dec. 29... it was negative.  Another bfn with fmu on Jan. 3. - I only waited the time it takes to brush my teeth and then said nope it's negative. I guess i figured it would turn bfp right away considering I was already late.  I threw it away and them went to run some errands. When I went to the restroom about 2 hrs later there was a very faint pink line starting at me from the top of the trash can. I reread the box and it said results could take up to five minutes. I would imagine it was an evap and I know it's invalid bc it was well after time limit, however it was very faint but clearly there and pink.  I have not tested anymore since then bc I'm still just thinking perhaps my pcos went crazy or I'm having very early menopause ( yes I realize this isn't very likely). Sooooo mostly I just need support and stories from others while I wait this out.  Anyone in the same boat or have this experience. Any suggestions on how long I should wait to see my doctor.  The one time I was 4 days late I went and all they did was a urine hpt so I'm not wasting time or money until absolutely necessary. I look forward to hearing from others on there very late af experience.  Thanks in advance for any replies and sorry again that this post is so long.