So my boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend


The title sounds irrelevantly complicated for no apparent reason because it is.

So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about almost 2 years now. His brother has been dating this girl for about almost the same time a little less.

For the sake of her identity I’m just going to call her IT

She’s one of those outspoken people that say things that make you wonder why she even opened her mouth in the first place.

Of course she’s a kiss ass so she kisses my boyfriends family’s ass like crazy because she’s wealthy (her family), showers them with expensive gifts and tries to attend like every event that involves that bloodline as much as possible just to brag about it later. Totally fine but when she’s obnoxious and annoying it just makes me dislike her presence.

With that being said sometimes I feel like she tries to test me but in the beginning I didn’t let it get to me. I figured that was just her personality she may not know better. I kind of just shrugged it off cause I’m friendly towards anyone I meet until they give me a reason to not be so friendly but im overall kind.

I’m also a bit defensive about my boyfriend. I’m not overly protective of him to where if someone insults him in a jokingly manner I’m going to throw a used tampon at their face, but for some reason when IT does I want to do just that.

My boyfriend had to undergo a specific surgery when he was in high school. And so many people made fun of him and even his family members I think sometimes would joke about it. However one day IT tried to be funny and bring it up pretending like she didn’t know the particular body part of where he had the surgery. I could see it was kind of making him uncomfortable and it was honestly awkward for me as well.

With me being me I’m not afraid to speak out like at all. I kind of called her out on it but not in a rude way but was just saying like well if you brought up the topic, you date his brother, I’m pretty sure if you know about the situation your boyfriend told you everything...

On Christmas the family got together and it was lots of fun. I joked around a lot then at the table she was like “your so defensive of him (my boyfriend) and now your like roasting him you use to be like “OOOO my baby don’t be mean to my baby” .... I have always joked around with my boyfriend in a rude playful manner and don’t mind others doing it, he’s a grown man he can fend for himself but like why go out of your way to like say that. You see like she just says things like..... I’m sorry when your talking about my boyfriends private parts I’m going to just sit there next time..

The only reason why I haven’t or have tried not to really make a big deal out of IT’s mouth is because I don’t think she intentionally means to be this way. Some people are so stupid they just say stupid things. It’s hard to tell with her.

I let it go one day then when we meet agin there’s always something she says that makes me twitch.

Have you gone through something like this or similar?? I feel like I’m being a sensitive bitch about this but I can’t help myself
