Do You Think Pedophiles Deserve Death Penalty ?


From my personal experience I was a victim of molestation for years as a child and it completely ruined me mentally,physically,and emotionally ...what I don't understand is how pedophiles just get it easy and go to jail having the privilege to feel like they have a second chance (for fucking what so they can go out and catch another innocent prey)...if I had the power to choose how criminals should be punished I would make sure pedophiles got the most excruciating death penalty ever and let their victims watch them be tortured so they can feel the pain they put their victims through ...I would even allow victims who are brave enough to be encountered with their abusers to do whatever they felt necessary to the sick bastards ...I know if I had the chance to be face to face with the sick fucker who molested me I would break hell wide open with him and fuck him up completely

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