I’m so tired of this....

So I met my boyfriend when I was a freshmen in high school and he was a junior meaning he was 17 and I was 14. We started dating shortly after we became friends. He was dating a girl before me in his grade that he broke up with so he could be with me. I got a lot of hate for this. Like a lot. Our relationship started off sexual from the beginning. So when we reached 2 months of dating I had given my virginity to him. I don’t have a lot of friends but the one that I did have completely resented me for it and called me a whore and other horrible names. His now ex girlfriend did the same and spread rumors about me doing coke and having 3-somes. I get so much shit thrown at me and my boyfriend gets the same only because:

1.) he broke up with someone

2.) I was younger than she was

3.) he’s 18 now and I’m 15

4.) I lost my virginity so young

We even had a little run in with the law putting us both on probation for roughly 6 months. Both of our probation officers knew that we were dating and had no problem with us seeing each other.People even call him a child predator after I’ve explained our situation. I’ve even been asked if he looked cute in prison orange... but I love him and this all sucks and makes no sense because we met in high school so it’s not like he’s that much older. And yes I did lose my virginity to him but he didn’t pressure me into anything. People think they know everything though. Sometimes I have people tell me that our brains aren’t compatible because of the age difference... I just don’t know what to do and some help would be nice... even if you still don’t think my relationship is healthy please comment to voice you’re opinion?