Miscarriage at 6 weeks

Okay So. Me and my boyfriend found out I was pregnant in Late August early September I think. I was only around 4 1/2 weeks then. We were extremely excited about having a baby like I was already looking around for things I wanted our baby to have, the whole 9. Now both me and him currently live with my mom, she’s not the easiest to talk to about things so we hadn’t told her I was pregnant but I guess just “knew” I was pregnant. She got extremely upset at the fact we didn’t tell her, even though we had only found out a week or so prior. Mind you, I’m almost 24, but she made it seem as though I was 16 and pregnant and I didn’t know how to care for a child. She was also upset of the way we planned on telling her and my dad and my siblings. It was just gonna be a cute announcement like all pregnancy. I think I was the happiest I’d ever been being pregnant those few weeks, but my mom stressed me out to the max and the day my mom wanted to talk about it she was still angry and that day is when I had the worst cramps ever so I called off from work, then later that night I started bleeding and I just knew that I was having a miscarriage so the next day my boyfriend made me go to the hospital after I got off work and we were there for 6 hours, they did loads of test but didn’t tell me anything and that I should just take it easy the next couple of days but they made an appointment for my Obgyn two days later and that’s when they confirmed I had miscarried, they couldn’t find a sac or anything like that. And my boyfriend thinks it was because I was so extremely stressed out, but idk. We’re still mourning the loss of our baby, it’s even harder when everyone around me is pregnant or have had their babies. I also work in childcare, I work with infants all day so it doesn’t get much easier. But we’ve trying again for another baby, but no signs yet. Does it take a while to get pregnant again after miscarriage or is it just me?