I’ve lost two of my closest friends and it’s leaving me with unknown feelings


I’ve recently lost two of my closest friends we were really good friends to and the girl let’s call her K So K dated my best friend A and didn’t tell A she was breaking up with her and moved on to other left A broken because I go to school with K and A doesn’t so K told me to “dont fucking talk to me” so I did so because me and K we’re close then we weren’t friends the the boy D he decided to tell me I had no friends and K and him have hundreds so of course that left me feeling bad and hurt and I keep thinking about K because she brought me up when I was down she’s been there for me then like boom friendship ended now I’m left with A and A is my best friend but K and D hurt me and my mind is always on K and it bothers me she’s in 50% of my thoughts and dreams and I’m confused so much