Fruity sex

I've had this thing for a while now where I've experimented with fruit in the bedroom with my man. Sometimes in him, sometimes in me, once we did both at once! But here's my problem... The other day he suggested a new type of tropical treat. He described the fruit and made me guess while we were doing some knife play and eventually I guessed what it was. HE WANTS TO STICK A PINEAPPLE UP MY ASS. SPIKES FIRST. Is this too far? I used to think enough lube and you can fuck anything, but aged 25 my pussy ain't as supple as it once was. I asked a friend and she told me to ask him what we'd do if I bled. He said he'd drink it through a straw and gargle it till he came without me touching him. Ladies, please help. Should I do it or get him to compromise?