Missed Miscarriage, Please Help


I found out last week at my 12 week check up that I had a missed miscarriage. My baby passed around a week after my 8 week ultrasound where it was perfect and had the strongest little heartbeat. At the 12 week appointment the fetus measured about 9 weeks, but the placenta looked like it was still growing and I still had all of my pregnancy symptoms. I took the first dose of Misoprostol on Saturday night and had severe cramping and was literally gushing blood. I passed a softball sized white tissue that I think is the placenta, but I haven't passed anything the looks like it could possibly be the baby. I did check the placenta and can't find anything like a sac or fetus in it. My cramping has toned down significantly, I felt like I was in labor Saturday night and now it's awful period cramps. I'm still bleeding, but it's less than even a period. I took all of the Misoprostol as directed, but I only had labor like pain and heavy bleeding after the first dose. I don't think there was any tissue that looked like it could've possibly been the fetus, but now I'm not sure since it's been almost three days and I have only passed two strings of tissue and the placenta. I have a follow up ultrasound on Thursday to see if I passed everythingand decide if I need a second round of Misoprostol before I have to have a D&C.;, but I'm going a little crazy thinking I missed my baby.

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