Baby Naming problems

Beatrice • Polyamorous crazy cat-lady living in Italy. I had a baby and I love her so much... 😍

(sorry if this post is a bit OT, but I don't know where else to post it... I just know that if I post this in a generic "baby-naming group" I'll be flooded by comments about how God loves me and I'm going to hell 🙄). I live in Italy and both me and my boyfriend/husband/life partner developed strong anti-religious feelings growing up surrounded in rampaging bigotry. We also both really like stuff liken Neil Gaiman's comics and Role-playing games, and always had a fascination towards "rebel-damned" characters (I love Macbeth, for example). When I first met him, he told me he was an atheist leaning towards Laveyan Satanism, and I've always thought of myself as agnostic. We've been together 8 years and always dreamed of having kids, and we always had two names in mind: Lucifer for a boy, (because of Lucifer from Neil Gaiman's Sandman) Lilith for a girl(because she is considered to be the first witch, and I kind of consider her a proto-feminist) . Now we're finally expecting a baby, and we're going to know the sex on February 2018. The more I go on with the pregnancy, the more I worry that they won't let us name him Lucifer, if it's a boy. Italian law states that "the name should not be offensive" and although the literal meaning is not (Lucifer literally just means "lightbringer") it really depends on how bigot the state employee will be when we go to register the baby. Did any of you ever find a problem in naming your baby? How did it turn out? I really don't know what to do, because in my head this baby name is already set, and I would really find it difficult to find a new name or calling my baby something else. Also, I don't want the kid to be confused about the fact that I instinctively call him one name, and then the name in his documents is different. Is there something I can do to name my son how I want? I'm thinking about going to a lawyer, but if it all depends on people's personal beliefs, then what if the lawyer finds the name offensive too. He'll just refuse to work for me. I really don't know what to do. I think it's unfair that my baby naming depends on the whims of a government employee and their personal beliefs :(