Are Honest diapers all they’re cracked up to be?


I’m trying to decide between Huggies and Honest diapers. I’ve done the math and Honest is about 10 cents more expensive per diaper, but other than that I have no idea of the difference.

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Posted at
I feel like the whole company is way overrated. The diapers leak, the customer service is uselss, and if you want to unsubscribe from their services you may as well cancel your card because it's impossible to get them to do it.


Brandy • Jan 9, 2018
They definitely don't hold a candle to pampers swaddlers! Cute but not worth the extra leaks and diaper rash!


Sh • Jan 9, 2018


Posted at
I actually think they are horrible. we got a few size 3 at the shower.. and when she was big enough to fit them right, we figured we use them and if we like them better than the (amazing )pampers swaddlers, then we switch. our daughter got a severe rash from the "honest company"... mire like CRAPPY company. I figured it was just a coincidence so we used them for a second day.. her butt was COVERED in little raised up bumps, she woke up in the morning SCREAMING in psin, to discover her butt was on fire..(I change her often so she's NEVER sat in poo). I put A+D cream on it.. it went away within 6 hours... I put a pampers swaddlers on her again. . she was fine.. until 2 weeks later when we ran out of diapers and I remembered we never threw out the "honest" ones. put on the honest one ... rash within an hour.. threw them the F out.. CRAPPY company, more like it.


De • Jan 10, 2018
Your story sounds EXACTLY like our experience with Honest diapers. From day one using them, they caused an awful red bumpy painful rash. We used butt paste and switched diapers and it went away. Tested them out again - same awful rash. Like you, we never let her sit in dirty diaper (ever!) and we used butt paste at every changing. When I called honest co to return the excess garbage diapers, they told me this happens. Sometimes they have a bad batch. Seriously?! They can keep their bad batches- we used pamper swaddles when she was little and now use Huggies because they fit better around her chunky little legs 😊


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I have never tried them due to multiple friends telling me they leaked all the time.


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Hated them, super thin and did not fit at all


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They worked for two of my friends. My kids have not done well in them. It is like all other diapers it depends on the kid.


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I hate them. They suck.


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Honest diapers are awful. Leaked everywhere 😑


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Honest just didn’t fit my babe. Every baby is different but they were like rectangle shaped and didn’t fit her butt leading to tons of leaks and making her uncomfortable. I tried so hard to like them but just weren’t for us!


Posted at
Ugh I tried SO HARD to like honest diapers! We stocked up before our little guy was born so we had a ton of them! At about 4 months he started getting the rash above his penis. We tried switching wipes, changing him every hour, prescription from the Dr, diaper rash creams, NOTHING worked. Poor guy was bright red for over a month! Well... we switched to huggies and it was gone within a week. I don't know if they just aren't as absorbent or what, but we won't be going back to them.


Posted at
I've never used their diapers, however their wipes are my absolute FAVORITE!!