My best friend's fiancé grabbed my ass


My best friend's fiancé grabbed my ass at a bar, not once, not twice, but at least 10 times. I was panicking and didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should tell her (let's call her Rachael) and let all hell break loose, or handle it myself? Was him grabbing my butt worth the end of an engagement (trust me I think it would have happened). Anyways, I asked her other best friend (let's call her Zoey) and Zoey said not to tell Rachael and to handle it on my own. I did and he stopped. BUT, then Zoey TOLD Rachael what happened behind my back. In the end, Rachael accused me of lying (why would I lie about something like that? Lol what do I gain?) and she left the bar with Zoey and fiancé.

This was months ago. Rachael has hardly communicated with me, we've hung out once since and it was fairly awkward at the beginning, then she seemed to warm up to me again. But I texted Rachael and Zoey about coming out and celebrating my birthday that's coming up and I got ignored.

I'm angry. I'm hurt. I'm stuck. I'm a brides maid at Rachael's wedding and I honestly don't feel like spending $250 on a dress I don't even like that much. And I don't feel like spending hundreds of dollars on her bachelorette party or bridal shower. Not when I've been treated like this. Why would I want to spend a ton of money to go to a party that I don't even feel welcome at by Rachael, the bride, and Zoey, the maid of honor?

I guess I'm looking for validation or ideas.