A year of firsts 😁


My husband and I have been TTC for 7 months and I’m done with the worry and tracking disappointment so I’m focusing on me and my body now.

Hi, my name is Tori, I’m 24, I’m short, and I’m a professional multitasker...or 1st grade teacher 👩🏻‍🏫. I want to focus on something new. Something to get my mind and stress off TTC. So I’m going to do something new/different for each month this year starting on the 1st of each month. (Haha 1st grade teacher, 1st of the month! 🌽y huh? My kind of humor)

January=stop using curse words (this may be hard) I have a bad habit of using the f word but I do it so casual that it’s hard to stop it. So here’s to this month and a cleaner vocabulary.

P. S. I know it’s the 10th of the month but I’ve been trying to quit since the 1st. I didn’t want to make it a “new year new me” thing. I just wanted to do something for myself to better myself.