literally just found out I am pregnant today

I just found out in pregnant. It's such bad timing because I just left my abusive boyfriend 2 nights ago. I took a test on new years and it was negative and still haven't started so took one today. I was watching the ink and decided to cover it up because it got really dark and freaked me out. I uncovered it and it was clear as day. I had a panic attack. I want the baby. I just feel awful because the guy has been wanting a baby. He's only 21. It's such bad circumstances. I left to protect my son and I from any further advancements in his problems. My last period was right after thanksgiving so I'm about 7 weeks preg. God I don't know what to do. I need advice. I'm lost and hurt. I didn't leave because I didn't love him. I left because it was too much for me to bare anymore.