How my little one came to this world😘💕


My birth story:

Waking up at 6:30 with uterine contractions and didnt time it until the last 45 minutes of the two hours i waited to call the doctors office. They opened at 8 am and i didnt want to be sent home. So two hours with contractions that are 4 minutes apart and every contraction came with leakage.

Once i got a hold of the doctor, she told me to go to the hospital. I ended up going they did the cervix test and measured only 2 cm. By some miracle, when they tested the leakage turns out my water broke and it was spilling out slowly. So they had me stay in.

I was not in active labor yet my water broke. I was in the early stages. Regardless, the contractions were painful and they had me on pitocin and some other sedative/ narcotic. ( omg i was so relieved) i stayed at 2 cm for about three hours then i hit 3, but my cervix was 80% effaced so they were able to stretch it to 4 cm and under an hour i turned to 5. By this time it was about to be 4 pm.

Ten minutes last 4 pm goes by and i went from 5 cm to about 9 cm. Yes i forgot to mention i took the epidural. Then i hit 9 cm and five minutes later had the urge to push.

So i started to push for 35 minutes. It was this long because my baby girl face was turned to the side. So the doctor had to cut me and i tore on top of that. But at 5:14 pm out came a beautiful 6 pound 15 ounce 19 inch baby named Heleyna😍

Im writing this now because i wont have the time and i cant sleep because my vaginal and butt area feels like rings of fire and im cramping. MIND YOU I WAS SICK WITH A BAD COLD WHILE GOING THROUGH ALL THIS. I eventually had a fever after i had her. But its all worth it she was 38 weeks and my due date was jan 24