
I am 2-3 dpo & around the time my ovulation period was coming to an end I was spotting pink,red, sometimes brown every time I would go to the bathroom & just now at work I felt like I peed myself (which I didn’t think of that much bc I’ve had watery cm my whole ovulation) until I went to the bathroom & saw this I’m confused if it’s my period or what? I have the tiniest bit of cramps nothing compared to when I’m actually on my period & I feel fine other then waking up sore from my boobs & back but not anymore literally just when I was waking up .... a little back story to help is I took plan b back in September since then my periods have been messed up & I had sex nov 10 so since then I thought I was pregnant he never finished inside me & I know not the best protection trust me since then we haven’t had sex & we don’t plan to until I get on BC anyways so I was freaking out about every little thing that would happen to me so I finally took two tests on the day my period was due dec 6 (digital & blue dye which btw suck) both came back negative but I’m so paranoid so I took another one 8 days after my missed period also negative & I ended up being 14 days late it was heavy with clots & I had a bit of lower back pain as usual & a bit of cramping only thing is it lasted 3-4 days when my periods last 5 days so now again Jan 10 I took one last pregnancy test (digital) to get it all done & over with bc I know my bf is tired of hearing me & also negative the only reason I’m still paranoid I’d bc I read so many things on this app it just ends up scaring me