Going back to work..?

So, my baby is about 2 months old and I’m scheduled to go back to work next month. I’m starting to feel really anxious! About everything but specifically- will I be able to pump enough milk for him? What if I don’t have enough stock piled (I’m trying to pump once a day but it doesn’t seem like it will be enough. But I find it hard to pump more than that- it’s such a production). Will we be able to find someone that I trust? The person we thought was going to watch him might not be available.

I also feel like I’ll be letting down my office if I don’t come back. I’m also afraid that they will ask for my paid time off money back if I don’t at least try to come back. I’m also worried about staying home and getting depressed. And will we have enough money.

Needless to say I have a lot of anxiety and spend a lot of time alone right now. Thoughts? Advice?