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Sadie • Troubles make you stronger 💪🏻

So basically I’m 13 years old and people say I’m very very popular. I would say I have plenty of friends but plenty of people who say the hate me. Most of my friends say I’m ‘queen’ and a ‘goddess’ because I have new rules. I do not for sure try and let any negativity get to me and I lead my own path. I consentrate on my work 90% of the time and I’m healthy. Some of my friends say I’m a ‘true baddie’ but I’m not quite sure. I still get into a lot of trouble at school cause of me and people I clash with. It normally ends with me smacking them in the face because there bullshiting. But I am known to the teachers as a girl who stands her ground but sometimes it lands me in a lot of trouble. Lasts year i was trying to be handy to my (old smoking) friends and giving them a heads up that there was a search going on and because of that I got searched for weed :/ I do not smoke or do any drugs maybe alcohol every now and then but not proper. I feel like I have stranded myself on my own like an individual. Like I’ve said previously every one thinks im happy and block all the negative things out but actually I suffer with really bad depression and anxiety and it’s got to the point where my parents have suggested going into a hospital permently :( I need some advice please to be a better me :) everything will be appreciated Thankyou babes xo