
I EBF my son is 5 months and starting to wean so I’m trying to pump to give him milk for a while... it’s good for his brain you know?

I can’t find one of my fucking breast pumps, it’s 4AM here, how fucking inefficient I’m holding my EBP in one hand with my arm and using the silicone sucker on the other side... why did I even wake up? I can’t find this shit anywhere. I try so hard for this little boy and it seems like everyone is in my way.

I wish DH wouldn’t had move my shit, it’s not for you so why are you moving it places. He acts like his fucking family sometimes, getting into shit and cluttering my stuff.. it gets me so fucking mad

I’m tired of his mom.. she needs to stay the fuck out of my business, I ain’t playing games no more, this isn’t playing house, my son isn’t her son, she needs to move the fuck on. She’s fucking w my relationship, putting her nose in everything. She’s controlling but I’m trying to keep my cool.. we’re leaving soon, or at least I am. I can’t be here anymore and I’m gonna leave DH here if he doesn’t get it together.

Chicks are fucking weird, it’s like she wants control over her 25 year old son, like ducking have him then if you’re so controlling and psycho, she has a man, why is she always trying to one-up-me w/ mine? I don’t want to be his mommy, she’s so freakin weird.

I feel very stuck and surrounded by people who don’t want to see me elevate myself. There’s nothing wrong with working a shitty 9-5, but it’s not me and I have jealous people around me that hate that I’m trying to better myself through education and bust my ass for a little while instead of doing what is convenient.

Everyone has a problem with what I’m doing lol. Mind ya self, fuck and stay in your lane