normal cramps ?


I think i speak for all of us when I say that a period is something a lot of us dread. however, for me, it's something that's much deeper than just 'dread', and I hope you don't think im exaggerating my pain.

every month, my period pain is excruciating, horrifying, nauseating. It makes my body physically shake, i end up sobbing, and Id much rather be dead than to deal with such period cramps. It's debilitating, and the thought of going on with my day is the thought i can't bare. It feels like there's a fire burning in my stomach, my thighs, and my back. I curl up and mindlessly tighten my muscles when the pain peaks. it's intense, to the point where i end up mumbling and blabbing and i don't even register it. Even getting a single small cramp outside of my period is enough to make my blood run cold. I'm done of having this mindset of 'all cramps are normal' and 'i can help myself, i dont need anyone else's help.'

enough is enough , these cramps are too much for me to handle ... all i hope is that it's nothing serious ...