Just wondering

Jennifer • Mommy of 2 beautiful girls💜💜

Alright I know y'all are not doctors but anytime I call for the simplest thing I only get told to come in and well I ain't got time for that when it's -16, it's and hour drive there, and I have a one year old to bring with me. So this is obviously my second pregnancy and with my first only issues I had were morning sickness 24/7, couldn't eat any meat cause it made me sick, and I didn't show at all till I was 9 months. This time around (I'm currently 18 weeks) ive had a little morning sickness, lot of cravings I didn't have the first time around, mood swings like crazy (my poor husband) but I've also been having a lots of random cramping that's been almost knock me to my knees painful, I've told my doctor and she said it's normal and to drink more water. Well yesterday all day I had cramps and lower back pain that got worse and worse all day and it would come in waves every 30 minutes to an hour, could barely eat anything cause I'd get nauseous just drank a bunch of water all day and relaxed. Is this just round ligament pain I'm feeling or baby stretching since I have been feeling some movement finally and am actually showing now? Like I said with my first I hardly had any problems and had no pains the whole time so kinda new to me on normal pregnancy pains