Drug testing in professions


Okay so, we were having an interesting chat at work today. As we all know, it is at a companies discretion if they want to drug test, what drugs they want to test for- and it typically applies for every position in the company.

Now I work in the hospitality industry, on the food and beverage side so its a bit taboo in the industry and it makes hiring a bit more difficult, but we are still able to get good hires (though I’d argue personal friends of mine who smoke weed are better candidates for some positions, but 🤷🏻‍♀️)

The conversation got interesting when we started talking about some more “serious” professions that are known and joked about for their drug use, but theres no mandatory screenings annually / for licenses to be renewed. This stems from a handful of lawyers and doctors in our area getting “popped” in a drug bust recently. I also saw an article not too long ago that said lawyers have become a big portion of the substance abuse crowd (dont quote that, it was a late night pregnant read)

Do you think drug tests should be mandated / regulated for professions such as this? Atleast for license renewals? Should high stress / demanding jobs do the same?

These people handle A LOT of their patients / clients livelihoods. From doctors, lawyers, financial advisors, etc.