What should I️ do?...

Me and my bf have been dating for 3 years, now a days he is working a lot. Before he got this job we would see each other a lot, now we usually see each other once a week and usually I️ drive to his house. He is always tired for he works night shift. Lately I’ve been feeling so lonely and emotional, I️ feel like he doesn’t want to spend time with and as if I️ love him too much and always want to spend time with him while he doesn’t really care.

In my heart I️ know he is working but I️ feel to lonely and sad all the time. I️ don’t have hobbies and not really friends to hang out. He has always been the one I️ go when I️ feel like this but now he isn’t there anymore. Am I️ wrong for thinking of asking for a break for myself?. To have time to be by myself and try not to depend on his presence and attention?.