Need advice!


I have suffered with anxiety and depression for years. I have always been on medication but now I am pregnant and can't take them.

Its even worse bcuz we just found out my fiancé has a 3 month old daughter with someone he use to screw around with before we met. I don't want him to abandon his daughter but with me being pregnant I'm feeling very territorial of what I feel is mine and what I think I am entitled to.

I'm okay with him having her here and spending time to get to know her.

But the room we have for our son, he wants toset it up for the both of them. However, this is my first child and I feel that every first time mother deserves to set up the nursery for her baby the way she wants, and I want it set up for my baby boy. I also feel that every woman deserves to have her parenting first's

with her own child and not someone else's. Ex: unscheduled sleeping, late night feedings, diaper changes, bath time, etc. Plus the fact that I'm still pregnant, working full time, and I don't want to over exhaust myself.

Am I being irrational and TOO selfish on this one?