What is my body doing!?

I've been tracking my fertility pretty consistently for over a year now and in fact used it to avoid pregnancy even before that. I thought I had a pretty good idea of when I ovulated based on CM and CP and can always count on 2-3 days of EWCM and typical symptoms.

This month my body has been nothing at all like the last year. I spotted for days before my cycle fully started which is unusual. I had one day of EWCM only and it was very early. Have yet to have a + opk (this is my first month using them) even though I'm testing twice a day and have been since cycle day 8 (14 days now). AF due in 13-14 days (cycles can be irregular 29-36 days) but today I'm super bloated, light cramps and brownish spotting. If this is AF it will be the shortest cycle I've ever had.

Finally got a suggestion for a great OB and have a call in to set up a preconception appointment so maybe she can help me figure out what's up.

I'm just so frustrated with my body.

I am currently the heaviest I have ever been which I am sure isn't helping my situation any. I've just never wondered if I'm OT even ovulating monthly before this cycle.


Sorry for the rant I'm just so tired of not being pregnant.