
So I took a month off form testing with my OPK’s , charting and all these home remedies o try and get pregnant .. AF was due today and when I woke up this morning she was a no show so still in the back of my mind of convincing myself there’s no way I’m pregnant I have no symptoms or signs beside sore breast [ which is normal for me when my period is coming ) plus I didnt feel like me and my husband baby dance a lot in December AT ALL .

So there I was in the bathroom convincing myself of all the reason not to test ... [ I already went to the bathroom so my first morning urine is already of my system ) I’m not super hungry all the time I’m moody but that’s normal for me 😂But what the heck it can’t hurt to test I thought so I did

And ..

In two seconds my test read two pink lines.. I was totally shocked and what a way to break the ice because me and hubby was just having the pettiest disagreement..