Does the lines darkness matter?


Hi there! So I just did my 5th test today (I’m still in shock that it’s real and make my husband run out and get another one everyday to be “sure” haha). I’m curious does the darkness of the line matter? The first one I took a day before the best said to and got a faint line, the following days we took digital, digital, stick, stick. I’m flying to see my mom next week at 4 week 3 days pregnant and I’m scared that since I don’t see the doctor until the 8th week that it might be a ectopic pregnancy or something. I’m sure I’m just in disbelief but I’m nervous about getting everyone all excited and then going to my first exam and all being over. I’m wondering does the darkness of the line mean anything about how viable the pregnancy or that you have more of the pregnancy hormone in your urine? I have some early symptoms (occasional nausea, breast tender, shortness of breath), but just thought I would ask the experienced mommas out there :)