Quiz me?!


Okay i need to know if im pregnant, last pregnancy i found out from a blood test and i had no clue i was until that and my only symptoms were slight nausea, tender boobs, i had dizziness once, horrible back aches and i felt like i had the flu because of cold sweats and prickly sick feeling all over my body. Well i just had my son a little over 8 months ago. And ive had normal period for 4-5 months now and my period is late which never happens! I though i it was later because my app for some reason said i wasnt supposed to start on the 9th but i think its wrong because i always start on the 11th. Anyways so im 3 days late now, since i had my son my breast tenderness never went away and nor dead headaches so i cant tell with that. Im barely nauseas i get the tiniest waves of it, ive had back pain and oddly enough no cramps which i always get before my period! I had a weird feeling in my right hip though like a pinched nerve and made my right leg sore and that lasted on and off for a couple of days and is now gone, & Tmi i have runny creamy discharge which i never have before my period. I took a test when i was 2 days late and it was negative. I just want to know if any of these are symptoms, and if i am pregnant if its normal for my symptoms to be different than my last pregnancy, also when i should try to test again? Ive been dying to know ever since I realized i was a couple of days late:/