Should I drop my bff??


So I’ve been having some issues with my bff lately and I really need advice!

Ok, so in the last 8 months every time that I like a guy my best friend just has to get involved with the guy. I’ve always liked this one guy and she knows bc everyone knows except for him... but about 3 months ago I developed a crush on this other guy and then next thing I know she’s talking to him and rubbing it in my face when she knew I liked him and didn’t have the guts to talk to him. I’m over it now but the guy that I’ve always liked and her are now kind of like a thing....they’re constantly hanging out and talking about each other and she hides things from me now. I feel like I really have no option but to just stand there and watch her be with him and it really makes me upset bc I really like this guy. What should I do?? I really need your help:(