I don't want to hold sex against my husband but....


I am a "traditional" wife because that is what works for us. I cook, clean, work outside the home, and take care of everyone. I enjoy it. My husband hasn't shown me much affection and every time I want to talk to him about it, it turns to a fight. He was the type of person but it changed. I stopped bringing it up, when he shows it's for sex, his love language is physical while mine is emotional. I am always meeting up to his standards but he doesn't feel he has to meet mine. I have compromised on so many things and I'm tired of it to be honest. I'm pregnant, I'm horny but I hate being the first one to initiate things. no this isn't just me being pregnant and hormonal. Plus, why do we women have to justify our "craziness" because of stupid hormones? When we have a legit reason to it. It's not fair to me. OK wanna feel loved, I wanna feel appreciated, I wanna feel important, I should feel like I'm a pedestal and no other can take my place. I probably won't ever get that... I don't want to settle for this. I should not have to. I know my worth but why can't I move ? I start I g to see more clearer. I don't want to divorce, I don't want to cheat (I won't because that wouldn't be right either). I'm so lost though..