Struggle is real


I have been going through a lot this year when it comes to starting a family, and I’m starting to feel like Its never going to happen to me. Everywhere I go someone is pregnant, went out this week for my birthday and the waitress was pregnant, go to the store person ringing me up is pregnant, I go on Facebook and every person on there is pregnant. It’s starting to make me really emotional and tear me down but my husband has been my rock through it all. He has made sure we have sex just about every other day and let me tell you, he has made it all about me with sex and after wards also puts a pillow under me to help hold my legs up💕


I was diagnosed with PCOS on my birthday last year in January and then in November I had a cyst the size of a golf ball and had it removed in December, which they found endometriosis but it was more around my Urethra and below my uterus, they could only get some of it without damaging my urethra. After my surgery I was put back on my ovulation medicine but I haven’t had a period yet and it’s been a month so I can’t even take the ovulation medicine yet😑

Took two test last week (pink and blue dye) because of my period late and both negative.😭