my 15 month old

UPDATE:Took my son to the e.r and they said he's okay and gave me some medicine too treat him. thank u Jesus.

So last night my 15 month old child was in the way of a accidental nail polish remover spill. i called poison control they talked too me through every step and they called me back an hour later too confirm his health. which he was happy,laughing,smiling etc. he had no symptoms beside seeming alil Drunk. the poison contol said we have nothing to worry about he will be fine. but his eye is red and swollen. They said just keep using saline and water...he can see (we did a eye test) but I'm still questioning myself. i have an app set up for his doctor tomorrow. curious if any of you mommy have/had any of your children go through something similar. what should i do about his eye? NO RUDE COMMENTS!