very confused, help me please

okay, so i was with this guy for four years, and he was the one who i’ve done all my “firsts” with. Like first kiss, first oral experience, losing my virginity, etc. about 4 months into our relationship, we began to be more sexual (all of this is before we decided to have sex). he would go down on me, and i was constantly scared that i smelled bad or he would think bad of me after seeing my vagina and stuff. For like 30 minutes he’d be down there and i’d try to relax and help him find the right spot i guess? And this went on for SIX MONTHS before he could ever give me an orgasm. I finally had an orgasm six months later, and after that i could have one in even 2 minutes, like it was so easy. Does anyone know why this happened, or why i couldn’t have an orgasm for six months? I’ve been wanting to ask this for AGES, but i never knew who to ask, then i found this app, so this is GREAT. 😂