Quick question!

Marlee • Married💕 5 year old son💙 21 month old daughter🌈 🤰 with #3🌈

So my husband and I have a beautiful 10 month old son. We definitely want to have more kids. We strongly believe that God will bless us with our children when he is ready for us to. For the last few months we have been using protection. I started on the pill after my son was born but it was causing weight gain so now we are only using condoms. We had sex without protection on the 10th day of my cycle. Flow said there was only a 3%chance of pregnancy and I wasn’t in my fertile window. I’m now having some mild cramping and my breasts will hurt every once in a while. It’s only day 16 of my cycle and shouldn’t start my period until February 1st. Just wondering..has anyone gotten pregnant that early in the cycle?? Thanks ladies!!