TMI Image - 5/6dpo, yellow stretchy cm and

Hi I’m new here 👋🏼

TTC for a few cycles. Currently around 5/6DPO, due AF on 22nd Jan... so just over a week away

Been having stretchy, yellow CM (white on fingers but yellow on tissue - definitely no infection going on) for about 3 days now, thought it might be OV but did an OPK and only a faint line so neg. BD once (only chance) about 2/3 days before OV. CM also switches between snotty kind (gross haha) and white lotion-y tacky stuff.

Also had really sharp OV type pains/twinges but stronger for two days coming and going on my left side and random waves of nausea (know it’s too early for symptoms but just so weird)...

Wondering if anyone had experienced this before? New for me so really confusing!!

Thanks for any help xxx