Weight loss during pregnancy



My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since September 2016. I already thought I had fertility issues because my husband, who was then my fiancé, and I were having unprotected sex for almost a year. But really weren't "trying" to have a baby. Just going with the flow. But still, with one year of raw sex, no baby. So when we started trying I found out I had PCOS.

So now I'm sitting here like, "wtf. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET PREGNANT NOW??"

So I wallowed around in fat girl sorrow for a few months, and then finally decided to lose some weight. I have a binging disorder. I binge horribly. I've gone to some overeating anonymous meetings before but, I still struggle. I ended up losing 40 lbs from the keto diet, (High fat low carb) going from 342.2 lbs to 301.2 lbs.

So I just found out 3 weeks ago that I'm pregnant.

Assuming it's because I reversed my insulin resistance issues with my low carb diet.

Here's the problem. The week before I found out I was pregnant, I was having absolutely HORRIBLE cravings. They were crazy. I finally gave into a liiitttllleee bit. Then BOOM. Here comes the binge. I've been binging for almost 5 weeks now. I feel like a food addict, I can't stop. It is going to take all the self discipline I have in the world to go back keto while pregnant. The thought of it is making me cringe. But I'm not just doing it for me now. I'm doing it for me and my baby. I only got pregnant because I lost weight, so I'm scared of what's going to happen with me rapidly gaining this weight back. I was reading some things about overweight women carrying babies and didn't see anything very positive at all.

Ive gained 21 lbs in 5 weeks. It's coming on me so rapidly and I'm only 6 weeks pregnant. So tomorrow I'm starting back my high fat low carb diet. I'll be eating about 1500 calories a day (which is 300 more than what I ate while not pregnant). And hopefully I'll be nice and healthy for my baby. I really don't want any complications, or for my child to have to suffer because of my compulsive eating issues.

What do you guys think? Has anyone here successfully lost weight during pregnancy in a healthy manner?