Laboring at home


Sorry for the long post! So I just found out I'm pregnant with number 2! With my first we got a little too excited and got to the hospital about 2 1/2-3 hrs after my contractions started and they were a good 4 min apart. So we got there and they got me strapped to the monitors and I stuck in the bed so my contractions were extremely painful. Like my husband stepped out to call the family and he could hear me down the hall. Then they got the epidural in me and I went from a 3 to 6 in less than an hour but then I stayed at 6 for about 3 almost 4 hours before they put me on the lowest dose of pitocin. Which was fine because I couldn't feel anything. So my main issue is I was stuck in a bed for over 24 hours. Couldn't move everything fell asleep and I became super uncomfortable. So this time around I want to labor at home as long as possible but I seriously still want that epidural. So does anyone have any tips. I learned with my first one moving and standing really helped. The contractions really started hurting when I stuck in a bed.