
lisa • Mom of 1 girl👧, 3 boys👦🧒🧒, twin 👧🧒( born 2/4/20) and one in heaven 👼 #nosanityleft

first off sorry if long, just need to let this out... I feel so lonely in my marriage. my husband i met in 2009 in college. have been best friends since however dating wise we never where single at same time. we finally got to date in 2013, we dated going in that i had two kids 4, 2 yrs old. i give him major credit for comming in because my dsughter has many health issues. at first it was amazing so in love, my previous realtionship was abusive i didnt know love could be so amazing...anyways so little time in we got careless one night and ended up pregnant heat of moment typw thing. we dont regret it., howoever my whole pregnancy all we did was fight and my friends had yelled at him many times for being emotional abusive. i had never seen him lile this all the years i known him. had our son i. 2014 and it all went away. he became his old self to a point and amazing dad. fast forward to 2017 we had our second son that pregnancy he wasnt involved i again i did it all alone when son born he once again amazing dad, however as far as us goes, our realtionship i feel like i live with a roomate. Yes he says i love you but thats all i get out of him, there is no spark, no romance. if we go to a movie its a movie he has to like, we watch a movie at home has to be one he likes, he gets any type of left over money he jumps and spends it on himself and video games, the last thing he bought me on his own idea was in 2013 when we first dated, i however buy him gifts all the time, go to all these movies i dont want to see, take care of the house finaces, children take our two medical required children 4 hrs away to there hospital visits am the only one that stays weeks with my daughter in hospitals after surgeries, and i come home and house is always trashed... i jusg want some help at home not much because he does work full time but if he sees me exhuasted just ask if anything he can do and some kind of romance so i dont feel like i am living with a roomate and just a made, babysitter and errand runner... and yes im not perfect and have issues too, and before anyone suggests we cant do therapy because of his hours of work... i just dont feel like i married anymore ... i try talking to him and its in one ear out other and its oh ill try...yet never happens :( sorry again so long thanks for reading