A little inspiration for anyone who feels like quitting or defeated!


I read a post today and someone wrote that they prepared themselves for their procedure not working.. & I couldn't believe it! I instantly empathized with them. But we know that this journey isn't easy & we as woman go thru the most sometimes. But I jus wanted to say that its like your speaking that negativity into existence... when you say negative things like that. When you get your <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> or any procedures you need to speak only positive. & tell yourself this is going to work this time !! I will become pregnant!!! You have to claim it !! If u speak negative .. you'll get negative results .. if you speak positive .. you'll get positive results! Speak it into existence ❤️ I know this is hard trust me .. I had my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> Monday ! I've poas a thousand times !' One month I swear no exaggeration I bought 20 test and took all of them. This journey sometimes consumes us & we forget the real reason we do this !! I took off for the holidays lol I needed it .. this was driving me crazy I swear. I feel a little refreshed & this month I'm claiming my baby! And I say all of that jus to say .. I know things are rough right now but jus try to remain positive & rem positive thoughts bring positive results. Please if this is what you really want never give up! Good luck and baby dust to all my infertility sisters out there❤️