Please help!

Hey guys I need some help/advice with a dilemma I have.

So recently I discovered a girl on Instagram that I REALLY like and has been on my mind day and night for the past 2 to 3 weeks. She’s everything I’ve only ever dreamed of having in a partner. Smart, ambitious, funny, honest, BEAUTIFUL good god the most beautiful woman inside and out but she’s kind of a social media influencer and has a bit of a following. I know I sound kind of crazy right now and there’s probably other people that feel the same way about her but I’m just so confused on what to do at this point. Is it normal to feel like this about someone you’ve never even met before? Should I wait it out maybe it’s just a temporary thing? Or should I say something? Idk what to do. I know the chances of anything ever happening is slim but I’ll never know if I don’t try right? I need some honest advice. Thanks guys✌🏽