Honesty with ovulation

So I'm new to the boards and threads here so forgive me ahead of time. 
I am 32 years old, married, have one handsome little boy who is three. I was diagnosed with PSOC before I had my son. I was told I was basically infertile and would never have a child. Well two months later, not trying, we got pregnant, and had a successful pregnancy and c-section. 
Cut to now, I have been tracking my period and ovulation for four months now, and started the urine testing last month. Every time I take it the lines are so faint I can never tell. I see other ladies here having the same issues and I have to be honest and ask myself if it's worth it to keep going, day after day hoping for a change or a positive. I know it's been a short time, I just don't know how long I see myself doing this. (Since I didn't have to do it the first time) 
Just venting I guess...