Small baby prayers.

Sabrina • 22. 3 MC. GMH 🌈♂️ 5.13.18 / LJH 🌈♀️ 1/29/20. Gestational Diabetes mom.

Needing prayers from everyone.

Today I got a call from my doctor, saying that a high risk specialist wants to keep an eye on baby boy. She said that they want to keep a closer eye on him to make sure he stays growing like he’s supposed to because he’s measuring over a week behind. They’re gonna do another ultrasound in a couple weeks, then they’ll decide if I need to get ultrasounds done regularly (every 2 or so weeks).

At 23w3d he was measuring 22w0d. 1 lb 2 oz.

So any prayers, or good vibes is appreciated.

Thanks all.