Swollen and red vagina???

I’m 36 weeks pregnant almost 37! And yesterday evening I noticed I was soar down “there” thinking oh great maybe a uti or something since they are common in pregnancy. No this got intense! Like someone stuck a hot pepper down there 😩 So I told my boyfriend and he said he’d take a look and see if it’s swollen or red. Yep! Swollen on both inner lips, and my whole clit! I started freaking out, so he looked up what it could be and literally said it could be baby sitting so low and it causing the swelling and hurting feeling down there and there’s nothing to really ease it, so I’ve been using a frozen rag down there to relieve pain and hopefully some swelling. I had to call off work this morning and now I’m worried I won’t be able to finish my last two weeks working.. it hurts to walk and as soon as it doesn’t feel so bad I go pee and it’s back to feeling HORRID. Has anyone else had this problem? Did it go away? What did you do to ease the pain? Help pleaseeeeee ☹️