Need some motivation

So I'm 18 weeks pregnant and about to start my second semester of grad school. I'm in a 2 year program, full time. It's a small program with only 30 people accepted each year, so there's no option to take less credits or take online courses. The classes are held when they're held and you have to attend them in order to remain in the program. Our baby was a surprise but nonetheless a huge blessing and we're so excited. Luckily, I'm due June 16th and I'll be finished with this semester May 24. So I won't miss any classes (you can only miss 2 before being removed from the program). I'll have the summer with the baby then in September I have to go back for my last year and then 6 months of field work. None of my classmates or teachers know I'm pregnant yet, I plan on talking to the teachers in a week or two and letting them know about my situation. I'm nervous that they'll think I don't take the program seriously, even though I'm not the first one who's ever been pregnant in this program (a girl was pregnant a few years ago and gave birth in the one week of spring break! Plus she had 4 other kids). I'm worried my classmates will judge me since I'm kind of the quiet one and they're all outgoing and obsessed with school and cliquey. I'm worried about pushing through this semester as I get further and further along. I'm worried about when I have to go back in September and leave my 2 1/2 month old baby from Monday-Friday. My mom and my fiancé's mom will be watching the baby so at least I can relax about that. And I'm worried about finishing my last year with all the work I'll have while having a newborn to take care of and being sleep deprived. I guess I'm just looking for motivation and maybe some similar stories, if anyone else was ever pregnant or had a baby in grad school or in a demanding job and didn't get much maternity leave. How did you do it and stay successful in your school or work while keeping your child your first priority? TIA for any advice!