Went for my 1 hr glucose test and...

Nicole • 💍🤵👰July 28, 2019. 👼MMC-March 2017. 🌈👶💙Andrew Nicholas-April 14, 2018

The drink actually wasn't bad. I has the fruit punch flavor and was able to drink it no problem. However 10 mins later, I got extremely hot and dizzy and threw it all up. I kept going back and forth between feeling hot and dizzy, so I had to wait in the office for that to pass before I could leave. They gave me crackers and water which helped. But because I couldnt keep the drink down, I have to go back next week and try it again. I had a protien breakfast an hour before because that is what they told me to do, so next time they don't want me to eat anything to see if that will help. Does anyone have any tips to keep the drink down? What if the same thing happens again?